About The Independent Workers’ Union

In the early 2000s, the number of trade union members in Ireland was falling at a higher rate than ever before. Many were leaving in disappointment and frustration at a yellow trade union leadership in ICTU that disregarded their own members. Officials cared more about lobbying the government and lining their own pockets than getting workers the best deal.

The Independent Workers’ Union (IWU) was born in 2003 to reverse this trend. Founded out of the Cork Operative Butchers’ Society by seasoned trade unionist Noel Murphy, the IWU was a new fighting union that would answer to only one authority: the working class.

Since then we have fought tirelessly for workers and their families who are abandoned by the system and failed by the establishment unions. We were there for the home helps when they won higher wages. We were there when migrant workers were ignored and taken for granted in the meat industry. We were there when the Iceland workers fought ceaselessly for their redundancy rights. We will be there for you.

Our model is based on the concept of a fighting union. Our members’ interests, and a society that provides decent work and opportunity, are our main cause and focus. We are not afraid of industrial action when it is needed and will fight for your corner when other unions might be frightened of government and big business.

We are a small union, and our mainstay is our volunteers and supporters. Through our committed members who favour real change over compromise and social partnership, we punch far above our weight.

If you want to support a union which has become a force shaking up the stagnant and bureaucratic world of industrial relations in Ireland, join today.

If you want to be represented by experienced trade unionists who are not afraid to use every method at their disposal to protect your rights, join today.

For a trade union movement that Connolly and Larkin would be proud to stand over, join today.